Anti-Postone, a year on – where we’re at and what we’re planning next

Anti-Postone, my English translation of Michael Sommer’s demolition job of Moishe Postone’s antisemitism theory, was published by Cosmonaut Press a little over a year ago. So I thought it might be time for an interim balance and a quick glance into the future.

First off, it was disappointing for me that so many left magazines and individuals who had already agreed to review the Anti-Postone flaked out. Apart from Paul Demarty’s typically insightful review in the Weekly Worker – home of two contributors to the booklet, Mike Macnair and myself – we only got a review from Nathaniel Flakin of the Trotskyist Left Voice journal (but only on FB and Goodreads) and another one by Deborah Maccoby for Jewish Voice of Labour. Both reviews were favourable, but the authors stressed that they had difficulties following parts of the political-economy argument based on Marx’s Capital Volume 1 and Grundrisse.

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